You can help to conserve ginseng through stewardship, restoration, and research while helping your future!
As ginseng becomes more popular with health enthusiasts around the world, demand will continue to sky-rocket for this diverse woodland botanical. Ginseng's medicinal uses can be traced back to China over 1,000 years ago, highly prized by Native Americans, and the export of ginseng in the late 1700's helped fund the Revolutionary war effort. Even during the Great Depression, ginseng endured as a cash crop. As its popularity continues to increase, so has the strain on ginseng's survival in the wild. Improper stewardship, over-cultivation, and poachers have put ginseng on the endangered plants list in many states across the country, including state and federal lands. With this continuing trend, most exporters of ginseng are looking to woods grown, wild simulated ginseng farms as a way to keep up with demand and to ease the strain on the wild ginseng population. This is an opportunity for you to help save an endangered plant, while making an investment for your future!
Fall planting!
Our wild simulated ginseng rootlets are grown from select seed in our Appalachian Mountain forest nursery beds, giving them the best chance to simulate wild ginseng growth.While ginseng is a valuable crop to grow to help with financial security, a lot of people buy planting stock to grow ginseng for their own personal use. Why trust a capsule when you can grow it yourself? The reported health benefits of ginseng are numerous and widespread. So, instead of growing for profit, grow for your own well-being. :) . Remember, the best time to plant ginseng was 10 years ago. The second best time is this year.
grow your own ginseng!
With a market of over a billion people worldwide, now is the time to start growing ginseng to meet the increasing demand. This year, we are offering hearty ginseng planting stock of rootlets ranging from one to four years of age, giving you a quicker return on your investment while conserving endangered wild ginseng.
We are currently taking orders on a first come, first serve basis with shipping beginning Sept. 1st(as per PA law). So order now to reserve your fall planting stock before we fill our quota! Note: If ordering from a mobile device, click on the three white, horizontal lines on the top right corner of home page to pull up our menu. Select rootlets, then just click on the age of rootlets that you want to order. We hope to hear from you soon!! Email us with any questions